Trivia Night: Discovering Women Innovators

In line with WOIA’s commitment to raising the visibility of barrier-transcending women from the Asian region, we launched our very first Trivia Night. Filled to the brim with interesting tidbits, engaging stories and interactive games, this was one of our most popular events yet.

Impactful rounds

The mission

In line with WOIA’s commitment to raising the visibility of barrier-transcending women from the Asian region, we launched our very first Trivia Night. Filled to the brim with interesting tidbits, engaging stories and interactive games, this was one of our most popular events yet. We had a sold out event with participants eagerly and actively contributing throughout the session!

The Brain Juice approach

The theme was ‘Discovering Women Innovators’. This Trivia Night was centered on mobilizing our community to learn more about real-life wonderwomen who have driven impactful innovation and led awe-inspiring lives. The session featured quiz questions and bonus challenges woven with storytelling from our guest presenters.

Here are some of our highlights from conceptualisation to execution:

1. Go-Live training and rehearsals with speakers and guests

2. Dial-in remote speakers via video call, allowing us to tap into the network of women in different places

3. Hi-res video screening for an enjoyable and entertaining evening

4. Interactive quizzing with participants using Kahoot!, a game-based learning platform

5. A live panel discussion session with 3 speakers on screen

Watch the recording here:

Our role

Our impact

A woman speaking into a microphone in front of a group of people.

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