How we transformed Kaplan Singapore’s team into virtual engagement virtuosos

In working with Kaplan’s career and student affairs offices, we had the privilege of sharing our virtual engagement expertise in building vibrant, thriving communities.

The mission

We customised and conducted a capacity-building programme for the staff at Kaplan’s career and student affairs office. The mission was to help them overcome their dominant cyber challenge - mobilising their students to take an active interest in their career prospects. 

The Brain Juice approach

We drew from our team’s knowledge and experience using the best interactive learning mediums, approaches to creating unique and compelling experiences, and structured ways to navigate meaningful conversations. Peppered with fun hands-on activities, this 6 hour session was comprehensive and proved that virtual engagements can be effective and highly engaging. Participants were also given access to an experiential mentorship programme at our creator studio so that their specific challenges and issues could be addressed. Each person completed this experience with ideas and a roadmap of next steps.

Our role

  • Pre-engagement surveys to gather participants’ expectations, learning styles and points of interest.  
  • Customising the programme based on key learning points and facilitating a seamless virtual experience
  • In-person mentorship to address individual challenges and demonstrate how the theoretical knowledge learned could be applied effectively. 

Our impact

A woman speaking into a microphone in front of a group of people.

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